Wow! wonderful vacation at the beach!

Wow! wonderful vacation at the beach!

-A vacation to Dapeng beach

Dear Enuo mold partners:

Whenever the season changes, it is known that time passes. Unconsciously, August will be turned over from the 2018 calendar. The summer has gradually gone, and autumn is coming.

For all Enuo mold partners, the past 8 months have been hard work, and countless overnight work has been replaced by the stability and development of our team. In order to thank all the team members for their hard work, the company decided to organize all colleagues in this week (August 25th) to go to Shenzhen Dapeng to spend the beach holiday!

Holiday activities include: B&B + BBQ + KTV + Chat + Food + Sightseeing...


Post time: Apr-28-2018
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